Sunday, August 30, 2009

and an other day full of adventures!

our day started with the search for the cesuo (厕所 toilet). we went to a place where they where selling shredded ice with some syrup on it which we wanted to try and they had a clean toilet too. we didn't get the ice though, since the whole menu was in chinese without any pictures. instead we got something really strange and icky, like some kind of soup with rice and beans and ..stuff in it, which I don't want to eat ever again. so the second time we ordered from the pictures they had on the wall. tasted really good.
afterwards we went back home to wait for the landlord. turns out we just needed a new plunger because our wasn't doing it's yeah..we can know..find our inner peace^^
afterwards our korean friend came by and I went with her to try to finally get this shredded ice:

I could eat it every day, no kidding!

we also met some other foreigners today, some guys who will work as kindergarten teachers. they have a really really nice apartment and so much fun to talk too. one of them is australian and talks non-stop, but has a lot of hilarious stories to share. so we went to the korea town with them.
Me and Soon finally found ddukbokki 떡볶기, korean spice rice cakes. I think I can die happy now since I finally tasted it and I loved it ..maybe too much.

and to end this post..
a few funny pictures of china:
Photobucket university


and look how dirty our bathroom has been

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