afterwards we went back home to wait for the landlord. turns out we just needed a new plunger because our wasn't doing it's yeah..we can know..find our inner peace^^
afterwards our korean friend came by and I went with her to try to finally get this shredded ice:
I could eat it every day, no kidding!
we also met some other foreigners today, some guys who will work as kindergarten teachers. they have a really really nice apartment and so much fun to talk too. one of them is australian and talks non-stop, but has a lot of hilarious stories to share. so we went to the korea town with them.
Me and Soon finally found ddukbokki 떡볶기, korean spice rice cakes. I think I can die happy now since I finally tasted it and I loved it ..maybe too much.
and to end this post..
a few funny pictures of china:
and look how dirty our bathroom has been
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