ookay, my jet lag is getting better since I haven't had any sleep for more than 48 hours already, I think I am going to drop dead tonight.
the flight was loooong. very loooong. as soon as we boarded the second plane all the chinese people took their shoes off. you can imagine the air afterwards! the man behind us made funny sounds in his sleep, groaning and moaning....and even singing.
anyway, after a very chaotic day we finally got to our apartment. our taxi driver had no idea where to go and had to call the landlord and after 20 mins or so we finally found the place..and survived the driving skills. all the people, the cars and the bicycles don't seem to follow any rules. everybody is walking and driving on the same street at the same time...!!
after some, ok many communication problems (we don't understand much, always fighting who has to answer the phone..oh the horror..laughing all the way through though) we finally got to our good, but dirty apartment.
looks pretty good after we cleaned a bit
it is funny how the chinese manage their trash..I still don't understand why it is lying there and not in the container one meter away from it.
people are staring at us, it is actually really hilarious. if there is a group of people, one notices us, tells the others and everybody turns their heads to look.
went to some place which is similar to starbucks and wanted something to drink. one of us made the order, but almost orderd 100 cups of everything, because she used the wrong word and said one hundred instead of one cup. died laughing !
beida's campus is huge and beautiful. there are kois swimming in the lake!
some people even talked to us on the street because they are so curious. we went to buy some jiaozi 饺子(chinese dumplings) and baozi 包子 (chinese bread with filling) which are sold at some small place in front of our apartment building. it is so small, they are practically cooking them on the street, but the people are really nice. one of the customers stopped to talk to us while we where waiting, ok, most of the time we were just saying "we don't understand" but we still managed to talk a bit. the jiaozi and baozi taste really good!!
dragon fruit is pretty and yummy too
well, and the funny thing at the end...we managed to block the toilet because of the toilet paper we threw in. the most icky thing until now in china: you can't throw toilet paper into the loo..hilarious though. we can't stop laughing here..
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