we got home and started the cleaning...first we got the wrong cleaner for the loo, so we had to go to the store and explain them that we need something to clean the blocked pipe. with a lot of courage and persuasion from jenny's side we finally decided to show this picture:
our part of the conversation went as followed:
-"our toilet"
-"pipe" "broken" "many water" "not going"
my respect to the women who immediately understood what we needed. but all the other workers seemed to feel the need to help the funny foreigners as well and soon we had the whole staff standing around us.
we came home and tried this new cleaner, but to no success.
suddenly our internet stopped working too and as I started to think it couldn't get any worse..the lights went out. looks like the fuse doesn't like us using too much electricity.
Valli tried to search for the fuse in the stairway and managed to turn off the lights at our neighbour's apartment, who came out to look what the problem was...half naked.
well, at least he was nice enough to fix our fuse. we had to say "sorry" and "thank you" for 5 minutes though.
anyway...the loo is still clogged. but we got the lights and the internet back. what's next?
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